Workshop #1 recap: Displacement and lessons from previous light rail projects
The June 4 workshop focused on national best practices in anti-displacement and case studies of existing Twin Cities light rail projects.
Defining displacement
The group defined what displacement means to them. They learned more about the research on different types of displacement: direct, indirect, exclusionary, and cultural.
Effects of previous light rail projects
Overall, light rail led to increasing residential and commercial property values, and these effects can be seen well before light rail is built and in operation.
Community expert forum
A panel of experts with experience in the community and on other light rail projects discussed successes, challenges, and lessons learned from their work.
Policy tools and the work of governments
The workgroup learned about potential policies and programs to combat displacement. They discussed what policies might need to be prioritized to address unresolved issues.
Research update
CURA and the U of M are conducting research with organizations serving youth, organizations serving people experiencing homelessness, and BIPOC- and immigrant-owned small businesses along the corridor.
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